Friday, May 28, 2010

Hurricane Season On The Horizon

According to weather experts this hurricane season is going to be a very busy one. This can make the recovery effort on the Gulf Coast even more difficult to accomplish than it already has been. If a hurricane were to hit now it would essentially scoop up a lot of the oil that has spilled into the Gulf and send it away, and predicting where that 'away' will be is going to be even more difficult than cleaning it up.

It is kind of back and forth whether or not the spilled oil could slow a potential storm off the coast or if it would actually make a hurricane even more massive than it would be in the first place. President Obama is to be visiting the oil spill and monitor how the ongoing effort is proceeding before heading back to Chicago that night, hopefully when he sees the site for himself he can be better prepared for the future weather that is forecasted to hit.

The Gulf Coast isn't the only one at risk if a hurricane were to hit, in Haiti there is roughly 1.5 million displaced people that will be severly at risk after a devestating earthquake hit there this past January. If a hurricane were to hit the already struggling portion of the Dominican Republic the end result could be catastrophic.

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